AACTE Launches Special Study Group on Education for Sustainability
Courtesy of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
Over 40 teacher education faculty from around the country have joined forces
to launch a new Education for Sustainability Special Study Group (EFS SSG)
within the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).
This SSG will provide a forum for teacher educators interested in integrating sustainability into the pre-service and on-going professional development of preK-12 teachers.
With a vision of education that seeks to balance human and economic
well-being with cultural traditions and respect for natural resources, the
EFS SSG is part of a worldwide movement focused on reorienting teacher
education to address education for sustainability. The EFS SSG fills an organizational void in the United States for specifically addressing the interests and resource needs of teacher educators interested in issues related to education for sustainability.
The EFS SSG will focus particularly on strategies for implementing EFS
in teacher education programs and on increasing the knowledge base among
teacher educators related to EFS.
Along with the US Partnership, the SSG will also work with critical EFS institutions like UNESCO's International Network for Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability to sponsor webinars and regional workshops focusing on EFS. The EFS SSG also will promote development of a scholarly literature related to teacher education and EFS through the development of on-line discussions, sessions at AACTE's annual meeting and the development of articles and other scholarly works by its members.
The EFS SSG will hold its first annual meeting in San Diego later this month during the AACTE national conference. The SSG is open to any teacher
educator who is a member of AACTE or whose college belongs to AACTE.