Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Albany High School
School Contact Information
Kevin W., Albany High School, Albany
My name is Kevin, and I am taking an A.P. environmental science class at my high school where I learn about environmental issues and solutions.
Your Environmental Story
Share an experience you've had as a child or young adult that shaped your environmental values or behaviors (time in nature, play, a school project, a teacher, a mentor?) What inspired you to care?
In 4th grade, my teacher did an environmental unit in which we learned about simple tasks we could implement at home to reduce resource consumption and depletion. My 4th grade teacher inspired me to change my habits because she taught me how easy it is to make a difference.
How do you make an environmental difference at your school or in your community? What motivated you to take action or change your behaviors?
Seven years ago, after watching a movie about the benefits of recycling, I convinced my family to recycle. I explained to them what I learned in the movie and how recycling makes a difference in fighting against environmental degradation. I explained that recycling lowers the amount of greenhouses gases released into the atmosphere and reduces the amount of metals extracted from the earth. At school, I am learning about environmental issues and solutions. My A.P. Environmental Science class motivates me to continue to recycle and implement what I have learned in class to my life.
Did any experiences or teachers at school influence your environmental values or behaviors? If Yes, what & why? If No, what and why not?
My 4th grade teacher particularly inspired and influenced me to change my behaviors. She taught me that resources are finite and that everyone must do their best in order to prevent further resource depletion and environmental degradation. She made me realize that I can make a difference and this conviction has stuck with me ever since.
Moving Forward
What would you most like to share with other students?
The environment is extremely important to our well-being and every measure possible should be taken to protect and preserve it. Simple actions such as recycling, turning off lights when it's light out, walking or riding a bike instead of driving somewhere, all make a difference. Every individual can and should change their habits to ones that are more environmentally-friendly.
What do you hope to do next? How do you stay inspired?
When I buy a house when I'm older, I plan to install a greywater system, continue to recycle, educate people about the benefits of recycling, and live sustainably.