A Woman for Nature
Albany High School
School Contact Information
Kylie W., Albany High School, Albany
My name is Kylie. I am enjoying my A.P. Environmental Science class. I am currently an intern at Cornell Elementary School in Albany.
Your Environmental Story
Share an experience you've had as a child or young adult that shaped your environmental values or behaviors (time in nature, play, a school project, a teacher, a mentor?) What inspired you to care?
Growing up in the Bay Area has shaped my environmental values. I was constantly surrounded by a wealth of information regarding the environment and how precious it is. I was constantly told to be conscious of the environment. One experience that shaped my environmental values is when I saw images of dead birds and fish after an oil spill when I was little. The images made me think about the impact of humans on the environment.
How do you make an environmental difference at your school or in your community? What motivated you to take action or change your behaviors?
I am currently enrolled in an A.P. Environmental Science class and participate in a program called Environmental Design, Science, Engineering, and Technology (EDSET) that allows me to intern at environmental organizations. Currently, I am an intern at a local elementary school where I teach kids about native plants and wildlife as well as how humans shape the environment. Through my environmental science class, I have learned to make better choices, such as avoiding plastic bags and styrofoam cups and increasing my use of public transportation.
Did any experiences or teachers at school influence your environmental values or behaviors? If Yes, what & why? If No, what and why not?
Mr. McNally, my environmental science teacher, has influenced my environmental values because he is the one who has taught me about the environment in which we live and what we students can do to prevent further environmental degradation. As a result, I have been able to make better lifestyle choices in order to preserve the environment. In class, Mr. McNally mainly focuses on teaching us about environmental issues but also about solutions, such as legislation and actions individuals can take. Learning about problems and solutions has been really valuable to my environmental values because it inspires me to prevent these problems and find solutions.
Moving Forward
What would you most like to share with other students?
Nature is extremely beautiful and powerful and has the ability to change your mind about the importance of the environment. Get out in nature and experience the beauty of it instead of waiting to see an oil spill or something awful to happen in order to change your environmental habits! So many people live in urban areas and don't get the chance to see what the world could lose. Nature is beautiful and extremely valuable to humans' well-being, so it is important to cherish it and protect it for future generations to enjoy.
What do you hope to do next? How do you stay inspired?
Because I am in the EDSET program, I constantly hear about environmental issues and am surrounded by students who are passionate about the environment and want to make a difference. Environmental issues and my peers inspire and motivate me to continue to make better lifestyle choices and spread awareness.